Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Jesus at Walker Lake, Nevada in 1890

In a book written by Val Brinkerhoff, there is a beautiful description of Jesus visiting a group of Native Americans at Walker Lake, Nevada in the year 1890.  In his book, titled "The Remnant Awakens", Val explains some of what Jesus taught the people:  

"Few know that our Savior has visited our Native American brothers and sisters, doing so a number of times. One of His most widely reported visits was in 1890 in western Nevada. Few are aware of it today, yet it was reported in magazines and newspapers across the country that year. It led to “the Messiah Craze.” The Federal Government sent U.S. Army General Nelson Miles to investigate this “Messiah” and why Native Americans were reacting so strongly to His supposed visit. Reports suggest Christ taught representatives of some sixteen tribes a message centered on spreading brotherhood and love among the Indian people, and with the white man".


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