Saturday, February 13, 2021

Our Humble Hero

All of the ancient prophets looked forward to His day.  The promised time finally arrived, with little fanfare taking place upon this fallen world.  The stars above and the Heavenly Hosts celebrated the special arrival with the shepherds near by, giving Glory to God.  Each year, during the wintertime, we celebrate a special scripture known as the nativity.  You may remember some of these details, a new star appeared in the sky.  Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem and their baby was born in a very humble way.  Jesus was born in a stable, where the animals live, because there was no room for their family in the Inn. 

Why was the birth of Jesus so special?  Because Jesus was sent from the high heavens.  He was sent down to Earth with an important mission.  He was coming to Earth to be the Messiah.

What does Messiah mean?  It means the Savior of the world.   

What was Jesus sent to do?  To save each one of us and our fallen Earth. 

Can I be saved too?  Yes, the scriptures show us the way (be Baptized and believe in Jesus).  

How did Jesus know that he was the Messiah?  Jesus studied the scriptures and was familiar with the messages contained within.  He often prayed and thought about heavenly things.  Jesus was taught by the Holy Spirit and learned important truths from his parents.

Jesus taught the people to be kind and to serve each other.  He performed many miracles, proving that he was the Messiah.  Jesus taught the people and served them, always leading by example.  He elevated not himself but remained humble.  He was full of kindness and compassion.  He truly lived each moment of his life as our teacher and guide for humanity.  The wicked priests did not like Jesus.  They did not like the simple truths that Jesus was teaching the people.  Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice to save our fallen world. 

What does sacrifice mean?  Jesus allowed the wicked priests to kill him, even though Jesus had done nothing wrong.  Jesus suffered for all the wickedness of the world and became a righteous and pure offering for sin.  Jesus fulfilled his mission.  He is the Messiah, the Savior of our world.

You may remember the details from another famous scripture.  On the third day after his death, Jesus arose from the dead.  He came back to life with power over death and saved our fallen earth.  This glorious event is why we celebrate Easter.  After his resurrection, Jesus taught the believers and visited with them until he ascended back into the high heavens.

What is Jesus doing now?  He is helping his Father in Heaven with our salvation.  They work together, offering their help and guidance to us, as we attempt to journey back into their presence.    

Jesus continues to teach us and help us from heaven.  We can learn of him by studying the scriptures.  Each time we pray, we are speaking to Heavenly Father and Jesus.  They respond to our thoughts, prayers and actions with a still, small voice.

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