Thursday, February 4, 2021

Jesus is the Way, what are the steps along the Path?

Jesus is the Way.  What are the steps along the path?

To come unto the Father, all believers must walk with Jesus.  In the Gospel of Miryam, Jesus teaches, "My words are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  For My words are given of the Spirit, and no one comes to the Kingdom except through Her teachings".

Jesus also instructs, "Learn of Me, and listen to My words; walk in the meekness of My Spirit, and you shall have peace in Me".  From verse six of part seventeen.

Step one: Learn of Him.  We need to study His words and His works.

Step two: Listen to Him.  This listening to Jesus, should be happening all of the time.  He is always there and available.  We must remember to include Him in our thoughts and actions.  How do I hear Him?  That voice in your head, the voice that keeps you safe, and helps you to know what is right, that voice, is Jesus.  What does He sound like?  He sounds like you!  Direction from Heaven is usually clear and direct.  His counsel and instruction will always be full of light and truth.    

Jesus lived His mortal life as the perfect example for each of us to follow.  Jesus is truly the prototype of the saved man*.  To walk with Jesus we must be like Him, patient, kind and long suffering.  Keep in mind charity, and meekness, Jesus never elevated Himself, instead, always praising the Father that sent Him.  Jesus served others and shared of His abundance.  *Joseph Smith teaches about how to be saved, and looks to Jesus as the prototype, in the book, Lectures on Faith.

According to the words of Jesus Christ, the way back to Him includes, turning towards Him (repentance), being baptized in His name, and becoming like a little child.  From chapter five, verse nine.

When you are a child, your "will" is wrapped up in following instructions from your parents.  As adults, It takes a great deal of humility, (like a child) for us to follow the will of someone else.  We must be willing to ask Jesus for specific guidance on what we are lacking.  Jesus will respond with areas that must be corrected, if we desire to truly follow Him to where He dwells.  

From the first chapter of Mosiah, verse sixteen, "the natural man is an enemy to God and will be until he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

During the process of becoming like a little child, we will receive instructions from Jesus, concerning how to proceed.  If His instructions are followed, He will lead us to being born of the Spirit, also known as the Baptism of Fire.  

Jesus explains, " I will Baptize you with Fire and with the Holy Ghost".  This is His work and His desire for each of us.  Found In the Book of Mormon, chapter five of Third Nephi, verse ten.

If we continue following His will and guidance, He will lead us to receive the Second Comforter, which is a personal visit, with Jesus.  An earlier post dated July 26, 2020, discusses this personal visit in greater detail.  

The promises of hearing His voice, receiving guidance from Him, receiving the Baptism of Fire, and Second Comforter are available to each person on this Earth, as Jesus is no respecter of persons.  

Whomever follows the path (walks with Jesus) will arrive at the destination (where He dwells).

"And again I say unto you, ye must repentbe baptized in my nameand become as a little child, or ye can in nowise receive these things".  

Examples from the Book of Mormon of people who "received these things":

Joseph Smith, Nephi, Jacob, Ammon, Moroni, The Brother of Jared, all the survivors who met Jesus in the land Bountiful and many more.

People in the scriptures who "received of these things": Miryam the Migdalah, Saul, Moses, Abraham, Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek, all of the followers who witnessed of Jesus after His death and resurrection, and many others.

From chapter one of First Corinthians, verse sixty one, "After that He was seen by over five hundred people at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep".

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