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In the book of Revelation, this interesting description is offered, “I am the bright and morning star”.
Location: The Island of Patmos
Who was present? John and Jesus
Jesus taught John that even the planets in their motion, testify of Him. Did you know that Venus resurrects? The Mayans did, and their famous Mayan Calendar is based on the 584 day Venus cycle.
Right now, during the writing of this post, Venus is appearing after sunset each evening above the western horizon. After nearly nine months of this behavior, Venus will die (disappear below the horizon) and then resurrect as a morning star in the east. Venus will begin rising before the sun each morning for the next nine months.
When will Venus resurrect this year? Approximately August 22, 2023
During Jesus’s life, he often taught about signs of his pending death and resurrection. Jesus mentioned the temple being destroyed and raised again after three days. He also compared Himself to the lesson of Jonah (being buried under the waters, in the belly of the whale for three days). Jesus taught his followers that His body would be buried in the Earth for three days.
The lesson that Jesus taught John on the Island of Patmos, involved the planets and their respective movements through space. Jesus taught John that Venus testifies of Jesus and His mission, by resurrecting every 584 days.
Happy Easter and Glory to God!
Around the first of March, Venus and Jupiter will appear to narrowly pass each other in evening sky. Both planets are lighting up the western sky each night as they journey towards each other.
The earth rolls upon her wings, and the sun giveth his light by day, and the moon giveth her light by night, and the stars also give their light, as they roll upon their wings in their glory, in the midst of the power of God.Glory to God!
Have you seen the new series about Jesus, “The Chosen”?
The show is all about Jesus and follows the New Testament very closely. I truly enjoyed experiencing each episode from the first two seasons.
This wonderful show is available for free via:
Venus is currently located in the morning sky (Northeast) rising just before the sun. Venus has been a morning star for the past eight months.
Upcoming phases: Venus will become absent from view around Oct 5, 2022.He Is Risen
Text: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818 -1895What does Jesus mean when He says, “Follow Thou Me?”
Jesus is asking us to follow the many living examples that He provided during His mortal life. He was humble and kind. He was patient. Jesus fasted and prayed for guidance from his Father in Heaven. Jesus healed others. He helped the poor. He helped the widows and the fatherless. Jesus followed the will of His Father in Heaven. Jesus asked John for baptism, and was washed clean in the river Jordan.
Jesus taught each living soul the importance of baptism, by entering the water with John and receiving of the ordinance for Himself. John baptized Jesus, meaning John buried Jesus under the water, laying His body down, and then brought Jesus back out of the water.
The actions John and Jesus performed within the water were symbolic of what would occur three years later. Jesus would lay down his life, the Father of this Heaven and Earth, would sacrifice Himself, and die for all.
After Jesus died and was buried within the Earth, Jesus triumphed over death and was resurrected back to life. Jesus appeared to many and explained that “He is the way”. In order to be saved, we must each follow Jesus and His will for us.
If we desire to walk with Him, along His path, we must follow Him and His examples. We must live our lives, like Jesus lived His life. For how knowest thou the master whom thou hast not served?
He asks: follow me and honor my will.
He teaches: I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am the First and the Last. My name is Endless and Eternal.
His name is Jehovah. Glory to God!
"And now behold, I say unto you that ye had ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently, for great are the words of Isaiah. For surely he spake as touching all things concerning my people which are of the house of Israel. Therefore, it must needs be that he must speak also to the gentiles (you and me). And all things that he spake hath been and shall be, even according to the words which he spake".
Venus has been hidden in the underworld for the past few weeks. In December the planet Venus was shining brightly each evening, after the sun had set in the western horizon (an evening star).
Near the end of December, Venus died and plunged into the underworld.
January 12, 2022 Venus was resurrected back to life! Venus now shines brightly in the east, each morning, before the sun rises (a morning star).
I find it truly wonderful that Jesus described Himself as the “Bright and Morning Star” and Venus follows an endless track through space, forever testifying of Jesus and His important mission.
A full Venus cycle as viewed from Earth takes 584 days to complete. Said another way, every 584 days, Venus will return to the same place in its orbit as seen from Earth. Some of the phases that Venus will travel through during the long journey include Birth, Death, and Resurrection. To view Venus each morning, look towards the eastern horizon, Venus will appear to travel from the southeast to northeast for about 9 months, while rising before the sun.
Eventually, Venus will shift and become an evening star. Venus will become visible above the western horizon just after sunset. The planet will appear to travel from the northwest to the southwest for about nine months, while setting each night after the sun.
Currently, Orion and Sirius are easy to locate each evening, rising from the east and the planet Jupiter is setting each evening in the west. One of my favorite verses found in Job: Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loosen the bands of Orion?
I like this one too from the D&C: The earth rolls upon her wings, and the sun gives his light by day, and the moon gives her light by night, and the stars also give their light as they roll upon their wings, in their glory, in the midst of the power of
The planet Venus is shouting out Merry Christmas each evening with brilliant, sparkling light. Located in the southwest skies, Venus chases the sun into the horizon fairly quickly each night, so be sure to watch for Venus right after sunset.
Venus is brightest during the phase known as “Prime”, which is underway right now! Many star gazers will be reminded of the new star that appeared and testified of Jesus Christ and His birth, two thousand years ago.
Merry Christmas! Wise men and wise women still seek Him today.
Jesus condescended (left His throne of Glory above and lived in flesh upon our fallen Earth). During His time here, Jesus provided a lifetime of examples for each of us to follow.
Throughout the scriptures, Jesus outlined His instruction manual on how to become a saved man or saved woman. As we study about His life and also develop personal relationships with Jesus, we draw closer to Him, and get to know Him better. We learn from His examples in the written word, and more importantly, we receive of His guidance and instruction, which is available all day long, each and every day.
Jesus is consistent and patient. His message remains the same, He asks us to follow Him. While living in the flesh, Jesus constantly sought for and followed His Father’s will! Jesus set aside His glory, to save our fallen Earth, while also attaining to His resurrection by following closely the direction from His Father in Glory.
Jesus becomes our Father in Glory, once we decide to follow Him, once we decide to follow His will for us. Jesus saves! He is the only way to salvation!
Of the many living examples Jesus provided for us, I’ll mention a few..
While living here, in the flesh, Jesus made sure to always promote His Father in Heaven. Jesus never made Himself the focus. It’s hard to imagine Jesus creating a social media account for Himself. Instead, Jesus taught others with His example of directing the praise and accolades towards Heaven, while remaining humble.
Jesus, held power over death. His miracles were many, including healing a man born blind. Jesus literally, walked on water. He commanded the winds and waves. He was patient, kind, long suffering and generous, while finding time to serve and teach all of humanity.
Jesus reminds each of us that self promotion didn’t work back then, and doesn’t work today. He remains ever humble, patient and kind. As we explore the individual direction that we receive from Him, we learn just how involved and concerned Jesus is with the details of our lives. Glory to God! Glory to Him!
A popular woe generating mindset from the time of Jesus, is prevalent again today, found in the practice of worshiping idols. There is so much wealth and material available today, finding oneself entrenched in worshipping the wrong things (anything but Him) is an easy mistake to make and perpetuate.
It was common back then (and now) for priests to elevate themselves, however, Jesus taught and teaches us, that all people are precious to God and to remember the importance of being meek, humble and teachable.
While photographs and selfies were not available two thousand years ago, the worship of idols was popular via different methods (statues and dolls).
Today, the availability of potential idols for us to worship is staggering, while wealth and prosperity have become the norm. Within the realm of social media, participants have an endless supply of photos and written text designed for the promotion and elevation of self.
Even worse and more offensive than worshiping ourselves.. pictures adorn the walls of homes and churches, offering worship to leaders of religious organizations (the pope, the first presidency).
The following spiritual offense regularly happens.. a large gathering of believers are assembled together, awaiting instruction. Parish members are sitting comfortably, waiting for the meeting to begin. All of the sudden, their religious leaders begin to enter the room and everyone stands up, in an act of reverent adoration. This awful scene is accepted and practiced within the culture of organized religion.
The act of worshipping a man or men is offensive in the sight of God! This grave mistake involves misplacing one’s trust and worship, away from God, and directing it towards a man of flesh. There are warnings located within the scriptures, in very clear language, concerning this offensive behavior.
It would be dreadful if the folks who found themselves standing up, in adoration of a church leader, also find themselves forgetting to kneel in respect and reverence for the Lord of Hosts, the Father in Glory, during their personal prayers.
Oh, what the heavens must be mourning about our culture.
In September of 2017, specific instruction was given to folks interested in becoming His people (children of Christ)
“..Seek to recover the lost sheep remnant of this land and of Israel and no longer forsake them. Bring them unto me and teach them of my ways, to walk in them.” T&C 158:11Tonight, while gazing at Jupiter, Saturn and Venus, I witnessed the biggest shooting star of my life! It was beautiful, bright and wonderful, Glory to God! The meteorite streaked across the night sky, in the same area occupied by all three planets.
Right now, and for the rest of 2021, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter will be easy to spot in the evening sky, shortly after sunset. Venus is easy to locate in the southwestern sky, because its so bright! Jupiter and Saturn are close by, while looking to the south.
A post earlier this year (August) describes some of the phases of Venus.
During December, Venus will continue growing in brightness and will remind many people of the new star that appeared and testified of Jesus and His birth just over two thousand years ago.
Prime is the phase of Venus, when the planet is brightest. At the age of thirty, Jesus was baptized by John, and spent the rest of His mortal life teaching people how to live. For three years Jesus would grow in popularity as He shared His Father’s message, while performing many miracles and healings. And then, the unthinkable occurred, as Jesus, the One with power over death, surrendered Himself, a sinless offering, to satisfy the demands of justice. Jesus died, and on the third day attained to the resurrection, and conquered death for all.
Venus, after reaching its brightest, and most brilliant phase, known as “Prime” will die and disappear from the night sky (in January of 2022). Venus will hide in the underworld for 8 days, and will resurrect, as a morning star. How interesting it is, that Jesus described Himself as the Bright and Morning Star, and Venus follows an orbit that testifies of Jesus and His mission here on Earth.
In January after becoming a morning star, Venus will continue rising each morning before the sun, while moving further north each day, for about 9 months. Venus is a special planet, that will be forever linked with Jesus!
There is a difference between "waiting around" and "enduring to the end".
Getting older and retiring should also include continued learning and personal growth. Simply enjoying ourselves during retirement, while waiting around to die, is not enduring to the end!
"Enduring to the end" is constantly working to overcome the natural man or natural women, within each one of us. Learning to elevate the natural or carnal side of our humanity is the challenge. How are we to obtain mastery over self? Follow the Master!
In Nephi's farewell address, he teaches about the Doctrine of Christ (the straight path, narrow gate, and only way to eternal life). There are three requirements for entrance into the gate or way of eternal life:
1 Repentance (turning towards God)Nephi defines "enduring to the end" as constantly following the behavior of Jesus". What are some of the examples that Jesus shared with humanity, by the way He lived His life? Patience, kindness and longsuffering. Jesus also taught us how to follow the will of our Father in heaven. These are the personal behaviors we should be attempting to exemplify.
Let us find ourselves truly "enduring to the end", while drawing nearer and nearer to Jesus Christ. He is the only way. He is the One who is mighty to save.
And now my beloved brethren, I know by this that unless a man shall endure to the end in following the example of the Son of the living God, he cannot be saved. Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, this cause have they been shewn unto me: that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter.
In the second book of Nephi, Jacob, the brother of Nephi, shares important truths concerning two deaths. As we were born into this physical, fallen world, we understand that all things here are temporary. All things in this physical existence decay and die, thus the first death. Spirits are eternal, and existed before this physical heaven and Earth. Spiritual death is death number two.
Jacob explains that God will raise each of our physical bodies from physical death by the power of His resurrection. This wonderful event will take place prior to the final judgement of this heaven and Earth. We will stand before God to be judged of our works, and we will be standing in our physical bodies.
Jesus completed His mission and attained to the power of the resurrection. He has power over death and is able to save each one of us. The resurrection of our physical bodies is possible because of Him. Glory to God!
Our spiritual bodies are in much greater peril than our physical bodies as we now understand that our physical bodies will be perfected. Our physical bodies will be repaired and perfected by Him, even Jesus Christ.
The spiritual body that lives within each of us, and enables our physical bodies to exist in this fallen physical experience, are eternal. Our spiritual bodies will enjoy eternal happiness or eternal misery, long after this heaven and Earth pass away.
We (our bodies and our spirits) are part of this fallen heaven and Earth, because we are sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. This fallen Earth is not like the other creations of God, which is why this one Earth has been termed a Telestial world by Joseph Smith. The other worlds all fall into two categories, either Celestial or Terrestrial and both types of worlds have glory.
Our Earth has fallen, this knowledge is shared throughout our scriptures. Glory here in our fallen world does not exist, except when Jesus, or one of His messengers visits our Earth and brings His glory with them.
More about our fallen world available in a post from July 25, 2020.
Understanding the extent of our dire circumstances within this fallen state, Paul taught "we stand in jeopardy every hour". Jacob explains that because we are here in this fallen existence, our spirits are located within everlasting death. We are stuck in this fallen world and the only way to escape the fall is Jesus. This is why Jesus taught this very simple and important truth: He is the way, the only way to life eternal.
Jacob explains in very clear language, it is through the power of the atonement that Christ is able to save us from spiritual death, also known as everlasting death. How do we access the atonement of Christ? We turn ourselves towards Him, also known as repentance. We ask for His mercy and forgiveness. We follow Him into the waters of baptism. We emerge from the waters clean and reborn. We continue following His voice while trying to live as He lives - patient, kind and longsuffering.
And remember after ye are reconciled unto God that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved. Wherefore, may God raise you from death by the power of the resurrection, and also from everlasting death by the power of the atonement, that ye may be received into the eternal kingdom of God, that ye may praise him through grace divine. Amen.
The focus has been far too long on priestly authority! Men and Women are equal before God. The scriptures often quoted today, were translated within patriarchal societies, way back then. Good grief, many are stuck within patriarchal religious societies even now!
Take Proverbs Three for example, this lovely lesson in scripture, should include both our Father and Mother in Heaven. I read this proverb as:
Trust in Father and Mother in Heaven with all your heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways honor and acknowledge Them, and They shall direct thy paths and make them straight.
A wise father shared with his son the importance of finding Jesus Christ. The father had experienced much joy and sorrow and knew that his time here in this fallen world would soon be coming to an end. The father explained..
All men and women are created with a light inside of themselves. This light is a way for each person to know whether something is good or evil. Men and women are able to know with each choice they make, if the choice will bring them closer to the light, and to heaven, or closer to the darkness of hell. To ignore this built in light, and make choices without the guidance of heaven is spiritual suicide. Father in Heaven, who knows all things, past, present, and future, has the direction we seek. He is awaiting our invitation and desires to discuss our future. Oh, that we may remember to ask for His insight and remember to listen for His response.According to Emmanuel Swedenborg in his book concerning heaven and hell, Emmanuel explains that Jesus, the Father of this heaven and earth, is responsible for creating heaven. As light and purity emanates from Jesus, heaven is created in the space surrounding our savior. All the angels receive a portion of heaven directly from Jesus. If Jesus visits a new place, He brings heaven with Him, wherever He goes.
When Jesus returns to this earth and dwells among the righteous followers, heaven will be created here on earth. That place will be called Zion. All the earth will be consumed in death, chaos, war and commotion. People will find themselves fleeing towards safety and the only place of refuge remaining will be known as Zion. The survivors of that day will flock to the holy city, where Jesus will be. What are the requirements for entrance into His city? We must be like Him: patient, kind, and longsuffering.
Do you take heaven with you, where you go? Does you home feel like heaven when you are there?
I've been enjoying the study of the full Joseph Smith History, which is available online at the following link: