How does He make our paths straight? What does it mean to pray continually?
How do we give our hearts to Him?
We check in with Him multiple times during each day.
What are we asking Him, during these special moments (when we offer a tiny prayer, while remembering Him)?
We ask Him to lead us. We ask Him, “how should I proceed?”
Questions like: “I was thinking about doing the following… what do You think Lord?”
Why do we ask Him these questions?
We ask Him these questions, because we wish to learn His will. We wish to learn how He would handle this specific situation, and then we follow His guidance.
As we continue asking and following Him, we become like Him. We also begin walking the path with Him, “the way”, “the straight path”, “the narrow gate”.
Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. However, small is the gate and narrow the path that leads to life, and only a few find it.
He will lead us all the way there.. if we are wise enough to diligently seek His guidance, and humble enough to follow the path that He is setting before us. Once we reach our destination, He will offer us the gift of Eternal Life, life with Him.
He is the giver of all good gifts. Merry Christmas
Glory to Him!
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