The Book of Mormon, in very clear language promises protection in the land of America to those who worship the God of this land, even Jesus Christ. In Second Nephi, Jacob, the brother of Nephi, teaches us about Zion and how to participate in the pending holy city of Zion, while living in the flesh. There are a few interesting requirements outlined by Jacob, regarding Zion:
2. But behold, thus saith the Lord God: When the day cometh that they
(they being the descendants of the children of Lehi, who left Jerusalem, who were of the House of Israel and journeyed to America, also known as ancestors of the American Indians) shall believe in me, that I am Christ, then have I covenanted with their fathers that they shall be restored in the flesh upon the earth unto the lands of their inheritance. And it shall come to pass that they shall be gathered in from their long dispersion, from the isles of the sea, and from the four parts of the earth...
...But behold, this land, saith God, shall be a land of thine inheritance (children of Lehi = American Indians) and the gentiles shall be blessed upon the land. And this land shall be a land of liberty unto the gentiles... ...and I will fortify this land against all other nations. And he that fighteth against Zion shall perish, saith God, for he that raiseth up a king against me shall perish. For I the Lord, the King of Heaven, will be their king, and I will be a light unto them forever that hear my words.
4. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, thus saith our God: I will afflict thy seed (children of Lehi in America = American Indians) by the hand of the gentiles; nevertheless, I will soften the hearts of the gentiles, that they shall be like a father to them. Wherefore, the gentiles shall be blessed and numbered among the house of Israel.
Did you catch that? In order to be blessed and numbered among the house of Israel, the gentiles would need to soften their hearts and be like a father unto the children of Lehi in America (American Indians).
Wherefore, I will consecrate this land unto thy seed (children of Lehi = American Indians) and they who shall be numbered among thy seed, (gentiles if they meet the requirements for being numbered among the children of Lehi and the House of Israel) forever, for the land of their inheritance; for it is a choice land, saith God unto me, above all other lands. Wherefore, I will have all men that dwell thereon that they shall worship me, saith God.
Near the end of the Book of Mormon similar instruction is given in 3rd Nephi,
But if they (the gentiles) will repent, and hearken unto my words, and harden not their hearts, they shall come in unto the covenant and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom I have given this land for their inheritance.
It appears in our present time, the children of Lehi have been entirely forgotten. The majority of Christian religions have never learned of the prophecies contained within the Book of Mormon. Surprisingly, the several surviving Mormon faiths (the folks who read the Book of Mormon), seem to have lost all interest in assisting the descendants of the children of Lehi. In the year 2021, I'm having a hard time finding proof of any significant effort or support directed towards this special group of people.
Are the children of Lehi and these Zion prophecies even part of the current doctrine and lesson material? We are forgetting the steps of becoming numbered among the House of Israel, while assuming that numbering has already taken place. We incorrectly believe that we are the Lords chosen people!
A warning is given in the previous chapter of 2nd Nephi: And woe unto the deaf that will not hear, for they shall perish. Woe unto the blind that will not see, for they shall perish also. These Zion prophecies and requirements are written plainly in the Book of Mormon. We have had this information since the year 1830. Talk about not seeing and not hearing!
And behold we are forgetting the most important detail, to whom this land of America and the holy city of Zion has already been given (our Lord has already covenanted to give this land to the children of Lehi, also known as the American Indians). In regards to Zion, our job is one of humble assistance. We are not the main event!
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