In the book of Revelation, this interesting description is offered, “I am the bright and morning star”.
Location: The Island of Patmos
Who was present? John and Jesus
Jesus taught John that even the planets in their motion, testify of Him. Did you know that Venus resurrects? The Mayans did, and their famous Mayan Calendar is based on the 584 day Venus cycle.
Right now, during the writing of this post, Venus is appearing after sunset each evening above the western horizon. After nearly nine months of this behavior, Venus will die (disappear below the horizon) and then resurrect as a morning star in the east. Venus will begin rising before the sun each morning for the next nine months.
When will Venus resurrect this year? Approximately August 22, 2023
During Jesus’s life, he often taught about signs of his pending death and resurrection. Jesus mentioned the temple being destroyed and raised again after three days. He also compared Himself to the lesson of Jonah (being buried under the waters, in the belly of the whale for three days). Jesus taught his followers that His body would be buried in the Earth for three days.
The lesson that Jesus taught John on the Island of Patmos, involved the planets and their respective movements through space. Jesus taught John that Venus testifies of Jesus and His mission, by resurrecting every 584 days.
Happy Easter and Glory to God!
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