Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Wise and the Foolish

We are finally approaching the "end times", for this fallen creation.

Jesus, while teaching about these end times, shared a simple parable concerning a wedding feast and ten virgins (verse fifteen of Matthew chapter eleven).

Five of the participants were wise and five were foolish. What was the difference between the wise and foolish, that prevented the foolish from from joining the feast?
Keep in mind, the wedding feast mentioned, represents eternal life and the wise and foolish participants, represent each one of us.

The wise were able to learn of Him and follow His instruction. They learned to trust in Him. They worked to become like Him as they recognized that His life and teachings were examples of humanity.  Examples that were meant to be learned and followed.

Getting to the point where we know the nature of our Lord, and are able to trust in Him, is a good place to be. This personal relationship (knowing our Lord) is something that is not easily shared. The five wise virgins were unable to share their spiritual understanding (oil) as their relationships with the Lord had been developed over time. They had learned to trust the Lord and sacrifice their will, in order to learn His will. This understanding is not something that can be purchased at the market. Here is an important truth: To walk with Jesus, we must be like Him (patient, kind and longsuffering).

King Benjamin describes knowing the Lord in this way (Mosiah chapter three, verse three) "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"

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