Sunday, December 27, 2020

Joseph Smith

Praise to the man, (Joseph) who communed with Jehovah!

Born: December 23, 1805
Died: June 27, 1844

  "I am going to inquire after God because I want you all to know God and to be familiar with Him.  If I can get you to know Him, I can bring you to Him" -  Joseph Smith  -  King Follett Discourse, page 4.

I have enjoyed reading these two sermons: "The King Follett Discourse" and "The Sermon in the Grove".  This book is a compilation of witness accounts of two powerful sermons given by Joseph Smith, shortly before his death.  These two sermons are full of doctrine and provide a good understanding of Joseph's message to the world.  I like what Joseph has to say in these sermons, especially his teaching that each one of us should be working towards our personal visit with Jesus.  A visit that takes place while we are still alive, in the flesh.  

"It is knowledge which will save us, and that is the knowledge of God, gained by coming to Him, conversing with Him face-to-face, and receiving the seal upon our heads.  

What is the seal?  We may receive the blessing on our heads of being sealed up to eternal life, meaning the everlasting covenant, thereby making our calling and election sure.  We may commune with the general assembly and church of the Firstborn, (His organization in Heaven) and mingle with righteous spirits and angels.  It is our privilege to pray for and obtain these blessings.  We all have the same privilege, as God desires for each of His children to receive these blessings. 

Joseph Smith  -  King Follett Discourse, pages 65, 70, 80 and 81

I bought the book (King Follett Discourse) from and believe the book is also available from amazon.    Compiler: Frederick M. Huchel

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