Saturday, July 25, 2020

Our Fallen World

Acts 7:49, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?

We are inhabiting a very beautiful world that was created by Jesus Christ.  This Earth is His and everything dwelling upon it.  He is the Father of "our" Heaven and Earth.  Jesus is the light and life of this world, He, is the reason life is able to exist here.  Glory to God and praises be His for evermore!

There is so much beauty here, sometimes it's hard to imagine a world with more glory than this one.  A world with more beautiful sunsets than we have here?  Could the beaches, the mountains and nature be even more stunning on one of God’s other creations?  More beautiful colors, smells, tastes and experiences?  

Much of this creation and the nature that surrounds us, praises our creator endlessly. Glory to God!  Praises to Thee, Father Jehovah!  Hosanna!  Thou created this Heaven and Earth and Thou condescended to save and redeem this fallen creation. Worthy is the Lamb! 

The plants and animals here, along with the insects and the ocean life, everything living on this planet, they all follow the will of Him who created them.  The planets, the clouds, the tides and the seasons, the constellations, the winds and the waves, the sun and the moon, they all send praises of worship and honor to God by following His will.  They have been following His instructions since the beginning of this creation, when He spoke them into motion.

I recently obtained a telescope and have been able to view the moons of Jupiter (386 million miles away) and the rings of Saturn (746 million miles away).  With modern technology, we are able to get a glimpse of the vastness of the physical universe surrounding our solar system.  Recent best guessers, estimate the universe contains two trillion galaxies, and each galaxy contains at least 100 billion stars.  The Gods (Jesus and His spiritual Fathers that went before Him, have truly created "worlds without end”.

The Earth, where we live, is a temporary, physical state, patterned after the many other worlds created by the Gods.  This Earth of ours is a special and troubled place, even more than we realize.  Our Earth has fallen!  Our Earth and this creation are no longer part of the normal pattern of progression that we often hear about. 

We know that this Earth has fallen as our scriptures are full of references regarding the fall and the redemption of this creation. Adam and Eve are mentioned in connection with the fall of this planet and Jesus Christ has provided the only way to redeem this heaven and Earth.

An important understanding regarding the fall of this Earth has been overlooked.  There was a rebellion in the beginning of this Earth.  This rebellion led to the quarantine of our Earth and the removal of our beautiful planet from the cosmic system of progression.  All of the Father's other creations remain in a glorious state, either Celestial or Terrestrial and their glory has been compared to the glory of the Sun and the Moon, respectively.

This Earth of ours is an anomaly!  Our Earth fell from the glory of Eden and is now known as the Telestial kingdom.  Our former, glorious (Terrestrial) Earth, became a fallen Telestial Earth because of the rebellion.  The “Tele” in Telestial, comes from the Greek and means, “Far, Far Away”. 

Joseph Smith described our Earth as “Telestial”.  His description is another way of saying, “a dark planet, the furthest away from our Father the Creator.  The furthest away from His light.  Our fallen Earth is weighed down with much darkness, sin, death and decay.  There is very little glory here, which has been compared to the glory of the stars.

What caused the fall of our Earth? 

Traditionally, the blame for the fall has been placed upon Adam and Eve, our first parents.  The records from Enoch share a much more sinister design.  There was deceit from a being of the high heavens (Lucifer), who fell and became the devil.

We will review the rebellion that actually caused the fall of our Earth in a different post, titled, “The Fall”.

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