Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Venus Lives Again!

Venus has been hidden in the underworld for the past few weeks.  In December the planet Venus was shining brightly each evening, after the sun had set in the western horizon (an evening star).  

Near the end of December, Venus died and plunged into the underworld.

January 12, 2022 Venus was resurrected back to life! Venus now shines brightly in the east, each morning, before the sun rises (a morning star).

I find it truly wonderful that Jesus described Himself as the “Bright and Morning Star” and Venus follows an endless track through space, forever testifying of Jesus and His important mission.

A full Venus cycle as viewed from Earth takes 584 days to complete.  Said another way, every 584 days, Venus will return to the same place in its orbit as seen from Earth.  Some of the phases that Venus will travel through during the long journey include Birth, Death, and Resurrection.  To view Venus each morning, look towards the eastern horizon, Venus will appear to travel from the southeast to northeast for about 9 months, while rising before the sun.  

Eventually, Venus will shift and become an evening star.  Venus will become visible above the western horizon just after sunset.  The planet will appear to travel from the northwest to the southwest for about nine months, while setting each night after the sun.

Currently, Orion and Sirius are easy to locate each evening, rising from the east and the planet Jupiter is setting each evening in the west.  One of my favorite verses found in Job: Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loosen the bands of Orion?

I like this one too from the D&C: The earth rolls upon her wings, and the sun gives his light by day, and the moon gives her light by night, and the stars also give their light as they roll upon their wings, in their glory, in the midst of the power of God.