I spent some time outside today working on the yard. I noticed some sunflowers and begin thinking about how this bright, happy flower is also known as a sun-worshiper.
Sunflowers are called sun-worshipers because the face of these glorious flowers, follow the movement of the sun across the sky from East to West, each day. If you watch a bunch of young sunflowers just after sundown, their faces will be pointing to the West, as they have worshiped or followed the sun all day long.
Oh, the lessons we should be learning from the Sunflower!
We each have a little glory within us, as we receive light from Jesus, the Father and Creator of this Heaven and Earth. The reason we are able to have our life here on this Earth, is because Jesus is keeping us alive from moment to moment. Jesus is holding all flesh in His hands. Jesus is also keeping this creation (Sun, Moon, Planets, Earth and stars) alive. He is the Father and God of our creation. We should be worshiping and honoring Him, just like the rest of this creation continues doing each day. We should be seeking to learn about His will for us and working to follow His advice and guidance. Jesus is the creator of this Heaven and Earth. He is Alpha and Omega. He existed before this world was created and is full of light and truth. Why wouldn't we want to benefit from His experience and knowledge? Only a fool would try to make it here, in this fallen world, without asking for help and guidance from the Great Jehovah.
Jesus has asked us to worship Him, by following the many examples He provided during His mortal life. Jesus shared with us the way to live and love one another, during His lifetime upon this very Earth. Jesus has asked us to provide for the poor, to help the widows and orphans and to share of our substance with others. Jesus has asked us to speak kindly to each other, to be patient with one another. Jesus has asked us to give glory to God, which means to praise God. To be thankful for what we receive from God. He has asked us to provide each other with mercy and to forgive one another. The love and kindness that He expects from each of us, He modeled for us during His life. Jesus asks us to live like He lived. He asks us to seek His will, the same way He sought out His Father's will.
We have been asked to be like little children. I believe the childlike attributes we should take from this example include: being humble, meek, and submissive, seeking to please our parents, trusting our parents to lead us. You know the way a small child seems to worship their parents? We need to worship our Heavenly Parents in this same manner.
Jesus also taught us that we will be unable to know the Master (Him), whom we have not served. Jesus has asked us to draw near unto Him, and has promised that if we will draw near unto Him, that he will also draw near unto us. How do we expect Him to draw near unto us, if our actions are nothing like His actions? If our mode of living is nothing like the humble, peaceful, kind and charitable lifestyle He lived? If our desire is to really walk with our Lord and Savior, our actions must honor Him. Our words and deeds must honor Him. In order to walk with Him, we need to be like Him (kind, patient, loving, merciful, long suffering, and forgiving). We need to be constantly checking in with Him, attempting to figure out His will and following His instruction.
I like the way John Eldredge described following Jesus: Our shepherd, Jesus, is telling us: "You need to do more than just believe in me. Believing is not enough. You need to stay close to me. You need to listen to my voice. You need to let me lead you".Hence we become true followers of Christ. True worshipers of the Son.